Furnace Repair involves repairing heating equipment to provide warmth and comfort. It also covers regular maintenance services such as cleaning and lubricating moving parts to prevent friction and strain.

Some warning signs that your furnace needs repair include no heat and unusual noises. Professional repair services can determine the cause and fix it.
Furnaces can work wonders in keeping homes warm, but they do need to be properly maintained to avoid problems like water leaks. When a furnace starts leaking water, homeowners should act fast to clean up the mess and find out what caused the problem.
In many cases, the issue with a leaking furnace is actually a plumbing problem that has nothing to do with the heating system itself. This could be because of a blockage in the exhaust vent pipe leading outside, or in the air intake pipe. If this is the case, a qualified professional should handle the repair instead of trying to do it on your own.
If the leaking is coming from within the home, the first step should be turning off the furnace so it can’t cause any more damage. This can be done by shutting it off at the thermostat, switch on the unit, or even the breaker box in some cases. The next step should be to dry up any water pooled around the base of the unit. This can be done by using towels, or a mop and wet vac in more extreme cases.
Leaking water can be very bad for a furnace, because it can lead to the formation of rust in the heat exchanger, which will cause it to break down faster than usual. This is why it’s so important to keep the home well-maintained, and have regular maintenance services performed by a qualified professional.
Another issue with a leaking furnace can be the result of a failed condensation pump. If the condensation puddle is getting too large, it can create a buildup that will eventually start to overflow and leak out of the unit. The condensation puddle itself can also be acidic and corrosive, which will eat holes in the heat exchanger itself, causing the unit to need replacement sooner than would otherwise be the case.
Leaking from a furnace can also hurt the electrical components, such as the circuit board. This is because the circuit board transmits the necessary signals to initiate the heating process, so if it’s damaged by water it will need to be replaced as soon as possible.
The furnace filter is an essential part of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. It protects the blower fan from the gunk that the return duct pulls in and it also prevents contaminants from being recirculated throughout the house. However, a dirty or improperly functioning filter can cause the system to shut down. Fortunately, this is usually a simple problem that can be solved by following some at-home troubleshooting steps.
First, change the filter. If it’s clogged with hair, dust or other debris, it will block the flow of air and will cause the furnace to shut down.
You can choose from disposable or washable filters and a variety of sizes and ratings. Fiberglass disposable filters are the least expensive and should be replaced monthly. Other types, such as pleated filters made from polyester or cotton paper, are more costly but they will last longer and do a better job of catching particles and allergens. If you want a filter with a high MERV rating, it will be more costly but it will also last longer.
If there are members of the household with allergies or asthma, it may be necessary to change the furnace filter more frequently. This is because they are likely to introduce more contaminants into the home’s air supply and will fill up the filter faster. Changing the filter more often will help to keep symptoms under control.
The temperature of your home and the type of pollutants will also impact how long a filter will last before it needs to be changed. For example, a filter in a home without any indoor air quality equipment will fill up faster than one in a home with several air cleaners.
A clogged or dirty furnace filter is the most common reason for the system to stop working. If the filter is clean, however, it will allow air to flow properly and your system should work normally. If the problem persists, consult a professional to see what else can be done.
Circuit Board
Often called the “brains” of a furnace, the circuit board sends signals to important components like the blower fan and gas valve. It also controls the function of these critical parts, ensuring that they are turned on when needed and shut off when not in use. The circuit board is a crucial part of the heating process and requires regular professional testing to ensure its health. Taking steps like testing power input, inspecting components, and interpreting diagnostic lights can help homeowners identify a faulty control board and take action to correct it.
A faulty control board can cause many different issues that impact the overall performance of the furnace, from the blower fan not turning on to an inability to ignite the gas. In some cases, it may be difficult to diagnose a problem with the board due to its complexity. As a result, it’s recommended to leave all troubleshooting to a trained technician.
Furnace repair technicians test the board’s function by examining it for signs of electrical issues and testing its voltage. They also look for the presence of moisture and corrosion, as well as identifying any traces that are broken or damaged. These are common problems that can be addressed by resoldering or replacing the affected component.
In addition to analyzing visual signs of electrical issues, furnace repair professionals will usually examine the back side of the circuit board as well. This can reveal hidden damage and problems that aren’t apparent from the front. For example, a backside inspection may show small hairline fractures in circuit traces or discolored solder joints. These are usually easy for a professional to fix, and the resulting restoration of functionality can make a significant difference in how efficiently a furnace functions.
Replacing a furnace circuit board typically costs $150 to $450. However, this figure is influenced by many factors, including labor costs and additional fees like emergency service charges. Homeowners can reduce their out-of-pocket costs by shopping around for the best deals and avoiding unnecessary repairs. Moreover, they can also inquire with their insurance providers about whether or not the cost of replacement is covered by a homeowner’s policy.
Door Switch
Like a refrigerator door light switch, a furnace door safety switch keeps the blower and gas burner from operating until you close the access panel. A bad switch can leave you with an inoperable furnace, but it is easy to diagnose and replace if you know what to look for.
First, check to make sure your home’s circuit breaker isn’t tripped. It’s easy to forget to reset the breaker after a power outage, and it can also be tripped by a faulty or overloaded furnace system. If the switch is on, but the system is not working properly, it’s time to call a professional.
Look into the inspection window on your furnace to make sure there is no obvious debris obstructing the flow of air. A flashing green light means everything is fine; a red light indicates there may be a problem with the thermostat, blower motor, run capacitor or furnace control board. If the light is red, a technician will be needed to determine the cause and perform a diagnostic.
If the airflow through your ventilation system is obstructed, it can cause your furnace to overheat and trip the pressure switch, which prevents flue gases from entering your house. A professional will need to inspect the ventilation system and clear any blockages to keep you and your family safe.
The limit switch monitors the temperature of your furnace through a sensor, and if grime covers it, it can’t correctly read that the furnace is getting too hot. This causes the limit switch to trip as a precaution, and it is easily fixed by having your heating system professionally serviced.
Furnaces emit carbon monoxide as they burn fuel, and a CO leak can be deadly. A professional will inspect your furnace to ensure all parts are in working order, including the safety switch and carbon monoxide detector. They will then perform any necessary maintenance to keep your system running safely and efficiently. This will help prolong the lifespan of your furnace and help you avoid costly repairs in the future.