House Cleaning is a big job and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there are many ways to streamline the process so you can get it done faster and more efficiently.

There are a lot of benefits to having a clean house. Some include: faster productivity, a sense of accomplishment and an overall happier mood.
After a thorough sort, you can begin creating a system that will help your cleaning tasks run more smoothly. Designate a central storage area for your products and tools, such as a cabinet under the sink or a linen closet in the bathroom or laundry room. Then, use bins, drawer dividers and other organizers to create designated spots for sponges, spray bottles and brushes. You can even employ a plastic shoe storage hanger, which has multiple compartments, to hold a variety of smaller supplies.
Then, if you don’t have enough room to corral everything in one place, consider a rolling caddy that lets you haul your cleaners from room to room as needed. If your cabinet has an open bottom, consider stacking a few baskets for extra storage. Or, free up space with an over-the-door organizer designed to hold shoes but can double as a spot to store bottles of sprays and wipes.
If you don’t have a dedicated space for storage, maximize vertical space by hanging hooks on the back of your pantry door or in a linen closet to hang brooms and other long-handled tools. You can also tuck them behind the door of a five-gallon bucket for easy reach.
Whatever storage solution you choose, be sure to keep all products out of the reach of young children and pets. You should also avoid storing them in damp or humid areas, as they can attract pests and mold. And, if you live in an extremely hot or cold climate, you should consider using a basement or garage to protect your supplies from humidity and temperature fluctuations.
Set a Routine
A cleaning schedule is the best way to get a handle on the work that needs to be done in order to keep your home clean. Without a system in place, it can be easy to fall behind, which leads to stress and a constant feeling that there is never enough time to do it all.
To create a house cleaning schedule, first determine what your definition of a clean home is. Then, go through room by room, taking a realistic inventory of your space and listing each task that must be completed in order to achieve your vision. For example, if you want to have a clean kitchen, you may need to empty the garbage, wipe down counters, and tidy up. You may also need to clean your oven or stove top, sweep and mop floors, scrub the bathtub, and vacuum and dust surfaces.
Once you have a list of all the tasks that must be completed, decide how often each task should be performed — daily, weekly, or monthly. This is based on your preference, as well as the amount of time you can devote to each chore each day and the urgency of the tasks themselves.
As you begin to perform your daily tasks, you will start to notice that some chores take less and less time to complete. For example, if you have a daily chore such as washing sheets and towels, or wiping down the bathroom counters, you will find that once you get into a groove, these tasks become much faster and easier to perform.
The same can be said for other regular, weekly chores such as mowing the lawn, washing windows, or cleaning the fireplace and chimney. You may also need to do some seasonal cleaning, such as raking leaves or sweeping the dry vents in the fall or spring.
Lastly, it is important to create a house cleaning schedule that works with your family’s busy lifestyles and individual needs. For example, if you have children or roommates who are responsible for helping with housework, be sure to include them in the process of creating your new routine. This will help them feel invested and motivated to continue performing their assigned duties.
Remove Clutter
Clutter can be a huge distraction when it comes to cleaning and keeping your home organized. In fact, studies have shown that clutter can take up 40% of your available time. The good news is that you can reduce your clutter with a few simple steps.
The best way to declutter is to do it regularly. Set aside time each day, week or month to remove items from your home that don’t belong in it. This can be done by working on one area of your house at a time, such as drawers or cupboards. It’s also a good idea to clean out your pantry or refrigerator on a regular basis as well, so you don’t have old food sitting around.
When you get rid of unnecessary clutter, it can make your house feel cleaner and more inviting. It can also save you money, as it eliminates the need for storage containers and can free up space to buy items that add value to your life.
If you’re struggling to keep your home tidy, start by making a list of all the things in your house that need to be cleaned or organized. This will help you create a plan to tackle these tasks and achieve success. You should also consider what cleaning supplies you need to purchase to keep your home clean and organized. This will include things like vacuum cleaner bags, dusters, mops and brooms as well as laundry detergent and fabric softener.
Next, focus on the floors (area rugs included) and flat surfaces. It’s important to keep these areas clear because they can make a room look messy even if it’s clean underneath. This can include tables, counters, nightstands and buffets.
Once these spaces are cleared, you can move on to furniture. This includes ottomans, tv trays and other storage-type pieces. Remember to declutter the inside of each piece too, so you don’t have to worry about finding somewhere for the stuff when you’re ready to put it away.
Lastly, don’t forget to clean out the closets and donate any unwanted items. This will not only free up space, but it can also be a great way to give back to your community and do something nice for others.
Make a List
Whether you’re a nose-to-the-grindstone cleaner who prefers to work hard for a few hours and tackle a room at once or a more methodical person who likes to chip away at tasks over several days or weeks, creating a comprehensive cleaning checklist will help you get everything done. A detailed list also reduces the likelihood of missing areas for both you and your cleaning professionals.
Using a general checklist or creating one for each individual room is a great way to organize daily, weekly, monthly, and annual chores into an easy-to-follow plan. This can be a spreadsheet, spreadsheet template, dedicated calendar, or even a set of free printables that will keep you on task. It’s important that you find a system that works for you, and that you stick with it.
You can further make your home cleaning checklist more user-friendly by dividing tasks into categories. High-traffic areas of your home, such as the kitchen and bathroom, should be cleaned more frequently than low-traffic rooms, such as bedrooms. This will ensure that these spaces remain hygienically clean and free of germs and bacteria.
In addition to removing clutter, you should take the time to organize personal belongings before your house cleaning services arrive. This includes putting clothes and shoes in their proper places, picking up children’s toys and putting them back where they belong, and securing any fragile items. This will give your cleaning professionals a smoother experience and allow them to focus on cleaning without distractions or the added stress of having to sort through and put away items.
Lastly, you should communicate with your cleaning professionals ahead of time to let them know about any specific requests that you have within the bounds of their job description. For example, if you have dusty Venetian blinds that drive you crazy, or a particularly difficult spot to reach in your shower, let them know so they can plan accordingly. This will save you both time and frustration and may help them find additional ways to make your home look its best. If you’re not sure how to get started, ask your friends or family for tips or check out online resources like this one.